How to tag shops specialising in products from a certain country?

How would you tag shops that specialise in food products from a certain country or ethnicity? I.e. Italian pastas, sauces, etc., Spanish ham, wine, etc., Polish preserved food, etc.
So far I’ve tagged these as shop=deli, though they are often not particularly luxurious. shop=convenience doesn’t contain information that it is special food that’s sold here. Is there a more suitable tag? Would it be a good idea to extend the use of the cuisine key to include not only restaurants but also specialised food shops?

Using cuisine with shop is fairly common where I am: a Turkish bakery, an Italian deli, a Chinese supermarket.

I only just realised when I checked Taginfo that this combination is not as common as I thought (only 1.3% of usages of cuisine are with shop=).

The same question was previously discussed here, see that thread for some other suggestions:


I only just realised when I checked Taginfo that this combination is not as common as I thought (only 1.3% of usages of cuisine are with shop=).

looking at combinations for shop=deli, 5,8% are cuisine:

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I would assume from that most are not specialising in non-local cuisine so don’t warrant the cuisine tag?


Was surprised that shop=toko, generally products from Indonesia, but seemingly too from for instance Suriname, only appears ones in TagInfo when they’re plastered all over the west of The Netherlands.


The tag origin=* seems to be exactly what you’re looking for: