How to tag rumble-less traffic calming strips

We have many traffic calming strips in form of ever wider painted lines across 1 lane of a bi-directional way, only in the driving direction while coming up to a crossing/junction requiring attention. Screenshot in poor quality below with 2 in sequence approaching a T-crossing where heavy lorries exit.

What are these tagged as, being noise-less, no rumble, just a visual cue something is up ahead?



I don’t tag them so far, but one idea could be “traffic_sign”, as that’s what they are. Maybe also “road_marking”?

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In parsing road_markings came across the useful gore_chevron which could be made a tag part of the painted traffic_islands, also with bountiful presence and then further down 23 cases of gore_shevron, a typo, copy paste event be. Nothing though hinting at a useful one for these ‘slow down, pay attention’ strips.

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traffic_calming=yes | Tags | OpenStreetMap Taginfo at a minimum; you could come up with a unique value – maybe whatever the trade name is for the device, if you can find it? Or traffic_calming=silent_strips?

Tags | OpenStreetMap Taginfo at a minimum; you could come up with a unique value – maybe whatever the trade name is for the device, if you can find it? Or traffic_calming=silent_strips

is traffic calming also used for signs such as “drive carefully” of “slow down”, which aren’t prescriptive but rather recommendations?

Was thinking of something verbose along the line of moderate_speed_advisory. We see signs on shared foot/cycle ways along the line, no specific speed.

Yet to encounter an operator in action painting one of these traverse(?) series of increasing width lines.

On a map it would be best to show the dangerous point itself and not the warning sign that says: “dangerous point ahead.” The use of a map is the ability to look ahead.

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Still here, new roundabout, the smaller one of two, as entrance to trunk_links. The large one has none but the standard give way, roundabout direction and destination signs, this tight one 2x2 coming from west and east. All there’s to tag is tagged, just not the ‘open your eyes and pay attention’ oddly not the usual pre-announcement signs that a roundabout is coming up and to be ready to give way.


There must be a type of road_marking to slap on there but nothing on the relevant ‘highly experimental’ wiki page The last one in the list with ‘rectangle’ did inspire the ‘motorvehicle_alert_rectangle’. 6 of these now bookmarked for tagging, many hundreds still to do in a 75 km radius.