How to tag? Parking garage spanning multiple buildings, one of which is multi use

I am currently dealing with a situation of a multi-level parking garage that is part of a retail center and encompasses several buildings. One of the buildings is a standalone parking garage, while another is multi-use: Some levels of said building are a department store, while others are used as a parking garage.

I attempted to show the relation of the two buildings using a multipolygon, as shown here. Is this a good idea, or is there a better way to do it? Perhaps using Simple Indoor Tagging would help as well?

Here’s a link of the shopping center’s map for reference

Thank you!

Have a look at Simple 3D buildings.

If some levels of a building are parking and others are retail, then you could have two building:parts that you stack on top of each other with building:levels and building:min_level. You can use building:part=parking and building:part=retail to make clear which one is which. This would all be in addition to a simple building outline for backward compatibility.

You can look at it in to make sure it’s working.

If the parking levels of that building and a separate parking building form a single multi storey car par I would combine them in a multipolygon relation with amenity=parking. That’s the only thing that gets that tag, so data consumers only see a single parking facility.

This is how I would do it, not sure if it’s the best way!

Thanks for sharing! That approach seems effective for structuring mixed-use buildings and parking facilities.