How to tag an a food cooperative / food co-op supermarket?


I wonder if there was already some discussion about how to tag a food cooperative supermarket (see Food_cooperative on wikipedia – as a new member, I’m not allowed to have three links in this post).

From my own research, those supermarkets are:

  1. owned by a cooperative
  2. run by volunteers
  3. offering local products

It seems there are at least two kinds:

As you can see, I’ve tried to better define them with the use of operator:type=cooperative and access=private tags. But I don’t feel it covers the use case especially my the point 2. run by volunteers. Perhaps it would make sense to use self_checkout=only?

Has the subjects already appears in some mailings lists (like with other keywords) or any other resources? Can you think of a better way to tag them?

Thanks in advance

what if only the first requirement is true (operated by a cooperative)?
Selling local products: also or exclusively?
Many supermarkets (also) sell local products

Yes I guess that’s the main point. How could we differentiate?

In french, they are called “Épicerie coopérative et participative”. I didn’t find any good translation for “participative/participatif” word and it doesn’t look like to be used in the english definition of food co-op supermarket.

I guess they try to sell as much as possible local products. By the way is such tag existing to tag a shop that sell exclusively local products?

A tag “origin=local” has been used 14 times worldwide up to now…
It does not seem to imply “only local” products, but “mainly local”.

To give an example what I had in mind, and from what you wrote I guess it is not what you were thinking about, largest supermarket chain in Italy is a cooperative:

simular (?) structures can be found in a variety of countries,

Coop - Wikipedia (see businesses)

operator:type=cooperative sounds good for those Co-ops, doesn’t it?

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Yes totally agree with what you are saying. The two biggest chain of supermarket in Switzerland (where the examples are located) have the cooperative (or cooperative federation) shape:

I guess that what they all have in common is that there is a form of membership which give you some benefits.

A lot of this kind of food cooperative that I am referring to in Switzerland are mentionning one of the oldest of this kind as an example: Way: ‪Park Slope Food Coop‬ (‪248159746‬) | OpenStreetMap
(A small documentary about it: A Brooklyn Story: The Park Slope Food Co-op - YouTube)
I thought about looking at the associated wikidata entity: food cooperative - Wikidata but it doesn’t provide really more specific attribute and the description between languages are différents.

To iterate more about the point 2. Run by volunteers, I think it’s more: the supermarket can have employees, but the membership to the supermarket implies some community works.

I could do a proposal, but I have no idea what to propose.

If we are brainstorming a bit, first I don’t think the kind of supermarket I am mentioning should have a specific shop= either to differentiate.

Perhaps, we could have something under cooperative:XXX=?

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so the origin of the shop is local? If we want to express that the origin of the sold goods is local (whatever this exactly means), then we need a different tag

I agree “origin” is not very clear, but it was meant to express exactly that, the origin of the goods being sold:

To describe the origin of goods, which are e.g. sold by a shop.
This key is especially helpful for shops which sell goods of foreign countries.

Since usage is still pretty low, a more accurate tag may have a chance.

I think origin could be a sub-key like goods:origin=* but “goods” is used differently already… We don’t seem to have an established tag for detailed things that are sold in a shop, maybe because this is opening a huge can of worms in regard to maintenance and verifyability. I really don’t want to try and update the inventory list of local convenience stores :grimacing:

That said, “wares” is still free, so wares:origin=local is possible.
But I guess people could want even more detail than that. wares:local=yes|no|only could work.

Yes, that’s the most difficult for me. I’ve never seen anything like that tagged.

cooperative=* has been used 62 times already :wink:
So maybe you could just find some values that describe what you mean.
For a sub-key, how about something like cooperative:governance=volunteer_run?

Actually, with taginfo I found the keys governance=* (1495 uses) and governance_type (8 542 uses)

governance_type=* can be found on the wiki at Tag:boundary=protected_area - OpenStreetMap Wiki while simple governance=* seems to be used mostly on protected_areas in the eastern USA, maybe coming from an import.

there is some use of “sells:”

I believe the idea of the tag is to mark the exception or get rid of a specific uncertainty, not to give a full inventory :wink:

In my opinion, instead of access=private you should use membership=yes.

Most co-op shops I’ve seen are open to the public and sell to non members so any sort of access restrictions beyond customers would be inappropriate for those (and we don’t even normally tag that).

I was of course only referring to those cooperatives where you have to be a member to be able to buy there.

Thanks, it’s a good idea and I didn’t know that it exists

I wouldn’t have thought that “Alternatively non-members may use the facilities, but may have more restricted rights.” as stated in the description of this tag so from my point of view the naming of this tag could be a bit confusing. Interesting anyway.

A coop is more of a business structure. It doesn’t necessarily change the underlying amenity (grocery store or bicycle shop come to mind). Membership is usually not required to shop at these stores. Perhaps ownership=coop?

How is that better than the already established operator:type=cooperative?