How to tag a power pole that impacts accessibility of a highway=footway

Hi all!

After being asked on StreetComplete to add the type of barrier on a node, I am reconsidering the tagging I did about two years ago.

The node in question is on a highway=footway, at the position of a power pole that reduces the available width on the footpath, and therefore makes it impossible to pass for e.g. prams and wheelchairs.

How would you tag that?

Currently I have:

Key Value
barrier yes
stroller no
wheelchair no

Node in question:

I guess that, ultimately, I will tag the actual power=pole but I still want to make sure that wheelchair / pram routing would not lead people to this footpath.


Maybe it can be treated as weird bollard?

barrier=bollard power=pole

And note= with link to this thread?

Ideally, you would roughly measure the width there and put that inside Key:width - OpenStreetMap Wiki. If the usual way is 2m, but gets narrowed to 1.2m there, that could be evaluated. It could then also be useful if I use a wide wheelbarrow to transport stuff or something.

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A utility pole isn’t a bollard. If you tag it as barrier=bollard power=pole, I wonder if routers would avoid or traverse it as an unknown type of barrier.

Otherwise, I agree with using wheelchair=no and stroller=no to communicate the physical (not legal) restriction in the absence of precise dimensions. Wheelchair routers already oblige.

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