How to tag a Paint and Sip?

A place where you’d go to drink wine and paint on a canvas.

For example, Pinot’s Palette.


I would use «amenity=arts_centre» as the main tag. You could use «description=*» to describe what kind of activities are done or create any tag you like.

Have the impression that =arts_centre would host other organizations’ exhibitions, courses, and other activities. The scale doesn’t feel the same either.
Perhaps unrelatedly, this reminds me Taiwan has an international chain for you to make your own cakes and desserts. Unlike paint & sip, besides how you don’t get to drink, it’s more self-learning DIY, with optional assistance. The purpose isn’t teaching and learning, rigourously or leisurely. It doesn’t seem to fit the traditional =training + training=cooking / =cooking_school . Home Baking Day FAQ
So both of these seem like a amenity=workshop (cf repair cafe) for you to make something yourself. There is also Selfie studio - Wikipedia , which aren’t craft=photographer , and may not be expressed properly by amenity=studio . Again unlike conventional rented eg recording studio, they are for personal enjoyment, not professional or amateur production.
Anyway, to add the drinks part, alcohol=bring_your_own_bottle has been raised, although there are only 7 instances. There’s conflicting use with the type of drink. Key:alcohol - OpenStreetMap Wiki