How to solve the search of the name

Hello community!

I observed that a lot of businesses don’t have a dedicated branch name on their website. For example, we have the shopping center “x”. On the website are listed a lot of them across the city, and each of them has the correct address, but no mention regarding a dedicated branch name for each… people when searching for it use the name + neighborhood or name + street name, but when doing so the POI is not retrieved…
It’s there that can be done in OSM (adding alt_name with the full string name + neighborhood, etc. ) or the solution is not in OSM…

Thank you!

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A feel like a good search engine would take into account the location of the store relative to other map features. E.g. if I search for “McDonald’s Bayside”, it should show me matches near suburbs/road/etc called Bayside (even if this isn’t explicitly tagged on the store).

Organic Maps (for example) does seem to do this. Which search engine are you trying with? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Standard search on OSM works for me with name + neighborhood, if the neighborhood is mapped as place or as an administrative area. With name + street name too.

Hi artic-rocinate!

Thanks for the response on the topic.
I was using Pelias Search · Mapzen for search, knowing that Pelias is using OSM to retrieve data.
If you have other engines like this one and work better I will be more than glad if you share them… the good thing about Pelias is that you can just build your own search engine on top of it, but it looks that is not working as expected…

Thank you!

I don’t know of alternatives, sorry. Hopefully someone else will have suggestions :crossed_fingers: