How to name a shop for lumber / timber / wood?

Hi forum,

there’s a shop that sells boards as in wood that comes out of a sawmill. You can get a pile of boards all from the same tree trunk. And they also have lacquer, hard wax, oil and such stuff.

How do I name such a shop in OSM? I’m using the online in-browser editor.

Good bye

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I’d probably tag it shop=hardware if it’s for home improvement, or shop=wood if it’s really only wood products.
Another way could be


if it’s mainly for themselves and it happens to be possible to directly buy stuff there.

If it’s more intended for trade supplies i.e. to other businesses, you could also go shop=trade + trade=timber


I don’t recommend shop=wood because it’s too ambiguous.
Most of such stores are tagged as
shop=trade + trade=timber;wood_finishing_materials
For more info see wiki.


Note that it is not in presets, so you still need to open tag list and type tag manually.

Feel free to ask for help if that is still unclear.

(and thanks for asking!)

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