How to map an inclusive teaching institute?

How can I add a institute that teachs kids with disabilities?

This is an example of the institute: Redirecting...

You can take after social_facility:for and use:


Key:social_facility:for - OpenStreetMap Wiki

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In the German speaking community, we use special_care=no/integrative/inclusive/only/hpt where hpt is a TLA for „Heilpädagogische Tagessttäte“ which translates to „therapeutic day care center“ and means a facility that provides specialized care and support for children or adolescents with developmental disabilities, emotional or behavioral challenges, and other special needs. It offers a structured environment where individualized education, therapy, and social integration activities are designed to promote personal development and well-being.

Maybe one of these would fit?

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Not enough info here. Page has no details. Physical, or non-physical disabilities? Is it extra lessons, or a replacement for standard schooling?

The instagram page gives more detail:

How these question could change the mapping? I think it is related to non-physical disabilities and it is a replacement for standard schooling.

I mapped like this, until another options is proposed:


=mental_health mostly doesn’t refer to the general “mental health condition” used by professionals in common language. Would think of anxiety and depression, not learning or intellectual disabilities, ADHD, dyslexia, etc. There are more specific tags being used in the wild for such disorders.
Currently, =mental_health is described as “mental/psychological problems”. For reference, the more specific =dementia is yet another “mental health condition”, which is defined in the DSM. Key:social_facility:for - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Furthermore, =mental_health likely includes more of the usual more severe “mental illness”, especially considering the =social_facility context. It would be quite inappropriate and inaccurate to lump all these together.
=kindergarten demands having kindergarten:for= first. This is a shortcoming of *:for= , as seen from whether kindergarten:for= or/and preschool:for= should be used. You have to start a *:for= in every feature. On the contrary, school:for= was once proposed to be used on everything, which is not ideal either. Proposal:Key:school:for - OpenStreetMap Wiki
When machine-translating, I notice they advertise the use of the Tomatis method. That could have pedagogy=tomatis started first, although the hierarchy of AIT would need to be discussed further. Auditory integration training - Wikipedia
It’s still unclear whether they target a specific disorder. So the *:for= can either be a best guess of eg =autism;dyslexia (yet another problem in social_facility:for= is the confusion over the word form) , or a general term =developmental_disability following the healthcare:speciality= examples.
Search results | OpenStreetMap Taginfo
Alternatively, American English education_program=specialized_education + special_needs:*= has been used in the Philippines. It’s mostly specific conditions, as seen in *:autism= and *:learning_disability= , and other seemingly mistranslated or misordered variations. But creating *:developmental_disability= is also logical and reasonable. Key:education_program - OpenStreetMap Wiki
For reference, disease:*= from the Healthcare 2.0 proposal has *:*_disorder= and *:autism= in use Search results | OpenStreetMap Taginfo
education_programme:*= has been proposed for a different use Proposal:Education 2.0/Programs - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Personally, I would consider to begin with only pedagogy=tomatis + special_needs:developmental_disorder= , as I’m unsure about education_program= concerning the lack of British English, and the overall suitability. =specialized_education has a limited applicability, as how Integrated vs Inclusive education has been mentioned above. For the language, I prefer “disorder” more than “disability”.

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Thank you very much for this detailed explanation. I am not an expert in this field, and probably it needs a lot more of investigation to provide accurate tagging. I will include your last proposal.

I leave the node here, if in the future more information could be included: Node: ‪Centro de Enseñanza Inclusiva - CEI‬ (‪12513633680‬) | OpenStreetMap