How to map amenity serving truck driver


How to map an amenity providing bathing, laundry and lodging services to truck drivers. Such an amenity is often adjacent to a truck parking / service-area, and services are inexpensive and self-service (and likely non-profit), so fits truckers’ need.
By definition, this is close to a motel+hgv/motorcar=designated. But motel is for tourism not work. I have also considered shop=*.

Any advice?

PLUS: After some searching I have learn the word ‘roatel’, but seemingly OSM doesn’t feature this.

We shouldn’t take the top level OSM tags too literally.

Amenities are the things you need near home, and you choose a home based on these. Obviously schools, doctors, pubs are important. Restaurants, cinemas and a fish and chip shop are nice too. But does a prison fall into this category.

Shops fall into the amenities area. But outside of OSM the garage where I take my car isn’t a shop.

Tourism for hotels is another oddity, over the course of my career I have stayed in hotels where I wouldn’t consider myself a tourist in places I wouldn’t go to if I was spending my own money or using my annual leave.

If these amenities offer the usual range of services provided by a motel I would also call them a motel - maybe a budget type but still a motel. Besides that motels are not only for tourism as lots of business travellers stay there overnight as well.

If the target group of such motels is mainly truck drivers then the subtag hgv=designated should fit well to indicate that.

“Roatel” is a brand offering such budget motel services in container buildings so I would tag these as motel + brand=Roatel. Btw. also these Roatel container rooms are not exclusively for truck drivers - many cost sensitive private travellers book there as well and they are not refused as customers.

We have similar facilities at some service stations in Australia, but rather than a separate establishment, there’s either a back door, or a separate corridor inside, marked “Truckies only” (& if you’re not a truck driver, don’t even think about using it!).

Same thing though - showers, laundry, lounge area, dining room, some have beds.

How would they best be tagged?

Highway=services place where travellers are served.

Yes, but how to show that the general public are allowed in the front door, but truck drivers only can use the back door?

hgv= won’t work as the means the truck itself, not the driver.

From your description, it seems that you are referring to a motel/hotel for seasonal workers without reception with card access, located next to a very large car park where trucks can park? The facility you are describing is a private site, company private background, some sort of workplace?
Could you give an example of such a facility on a map? This will make it possible to assess what type of facility we are dealing with.

Hello all, after months of research, I found amenity=lounge fits this best, though it is an abandoned draft.

I made this example. As the official introduction,

The comprehensive lounge resides in the EasyJoy Truckers’ Home, with area of 65 m². It is equipped with bench, lounger, shower, locker, laundry, drying, hot water, medicine box, phone charging kit, TV, WIFI, etc. It provides drivers with rest and shower, laundry, drying and other services, and is free for members.

According tags are applied, with a few issues:

  • Laundry and drying, amenity=washing_machine/clothes_dryer conflicts with main tag amenity=lounge, so do the locker feature. service:*=yes may be used instead.
  • A lounge is not rendered on map, but a first aid kit is.

Besides titled as Truckers’ Home, these lounges are also found as Outdoor Workers’ Shelter. All these analogous features providing temporary shelter/resting but not commercial lodging may be tagged like this.

To map an amenity providing bathing, laundry, and lodging services to truck drivers in OSM, use amenity=roatel even if not officially recognized. Add tags like shower=yes, laundry=yes, lodging=yes, and hgv=designated to specify the services. This differentiates it from tourist motels and highlights its trucker-specific nature.

With current tagging, I would say the closest is:


We could probably do with a new tag for “members only” accommodation though if that’s common.