How to map a extension phone number (PBX) for contact

I am correcting the mapping of a university campus, and each faculty has its own building, with contact details. All the faculties share the same phone number, but each one has a different extension number under it (a PBX). How to map these values?

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I am correcting the mapping of a university campus, and each faculty has its own building, with contact details. All the faculties share the same phone number, but each one has a different extension number under it (a PBX). How to map these values?

we simply map the full phone number, and do not distinguish (or only with a space) between number and extension

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Yes, there can be. You have to distinguish between automatic inward dialing with PBX, and manual ones. Worse, there has been different documentation on the standard of format to follow in contact:phone= and phone=. Talk:Key:contact:* - OpenStreetMap Wiki

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Worse, there has been different documentation on the standard of format to follow in contact:phone= and phone=. Talk:Key:contact:* - OpenStreetMap

phone number tag is documented here:

No, if you have actually read Key:phone - OpenStreetMap Wiki you will see extension number is not mentioned yet, while referring to all 3 standards. Meaning when taken literally, there is a further conflict in the documentation on which to use. Hence the question in Talk:Key:phone - OpenStreetMap Wiki that I have also made reference in.


The wiki currently only covers the number that connect a person through whatever a particular country’s rules for navigating its switchboard system. Internal switchboard might similar in structure but follows rules the organization or company that maintains it.

As a result the tag for the extention should be unrelated to the one for the local phone number. I would suggest using phone:ext to show that it follows the phone number.

This allows for the insertion of a modifier.

  • phone:init:ext = extention is reachable outside the country. Such as in the case of a multinational company with an extention for each location.
  • phone:blg:ext = office phones are only accessible from the main building phone number.
  • phone:es:ext = extention is only answered in Spanish
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