How to install Garmin maps in a local language such as Arabic?

Peace be upon you. How to install OSM maps in the local language for the protected Garmin device? Thank you very much. Please help me.

I’ve moved this to a new topic because it wasn’t really related to the previous topic you posted it under.

Previously when you asked this I didn’t have any answer. I still don’t, but maybe someone else knows?

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Actually, a previous question got this answer. Please try that before asking the same question over again.

I don’t know whether that will work; I suspect whether it will or not depends on what sort of Garmin Nuvi device you have, which you have not told us.

Thank you, my dear brother, and may Allah reward you. We are sorry to bother you. We will try, and Allah is the helper.

في السبت، ٢٦ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٤، ٦:٣٨ م Andy Townsend via OpenStreetMap Community Forum <> كتب:

Hello. 1. Thank you for your hard work. 2. Why can’t the maps be in local language without unicode? (

Because representing arabic text in ASCII (which has only following characters: ASCII - Wikipedia ) is not a great or workable idea.

And other encoding standards are not great idea.

So using Unicode-based encoding, preferably UTF-8 is likely the best idea.

But there are many Garmin devices that do not work with .8 UTF - what is the solution?

في الأربعاء، ١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤، ١٠:٣٤ م Mateusz Konieczny via OpenStreetMap Community Forum <> كتب:

some may support alternative ways of displaying text in Arabic, unfamiliar to me

some may be unable to show text in Arabic - in such case I suggest not buying or using them

(to lesser degree, people using Polish language are sometimes still affected by żółćęśąźńŻÓŁĆĘŚĄŻŃ characters unsupported in some software or hardware, the same for people using Greek/Cyrillic/etc alphabets)

Thank you all

في الأربعاء، ١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٤، ١١:٠٢ م Mateusz Konieczny via OpenStreetMap Community Forum <> كتب: