How to import 2 osm.pbf files for nominatim database?

I’m trying to set up a server and database for Nominatim by following these instructions: Import - Nominatim 4.4.0 Manual.

I’m trying to import USA and Puerto Rica, but they’re 2 separate files. I was wondering if there is a way to import 2 osm.pbf files? Or it there is a way to add to an existing database? Thanks!

With the latest versions of Nominatim, you can simply give it multiple file names on import, e.g.

nominatim import --osm-file usa.osm.pbf --osm-file puerto-rico.osm.pbf

You should be able to use osmium to merge two osm.pbf files into one and then import that into the nominatim database: Osmium manual pages – osmium-merge (1)