How to handle conflicting filters in osmfilter

How do I configure a mutually exclusive combination of keep- and drop- options in osmfilter?

I want to discard any tracks --drop="highway=track" unless they have a --motor_vehicle=permissive tag, in which case I want to say --keep="motor_vehicle=permissive"

Is there a way to combine AND or OR to cleverly combine the drop and keep options? In short, I only want to keep highway=track if motor_vehicle=permissive. All other tracks can be dropped. Thanks

You can use ā€œboolean operatorsā€ to define complex filters.

Thanks @ImreSamu but itā€™s not clear how to combine a keep and a drop with boolean operators, as the example uses ā€˜orā€™ and brackets as qualifiers for the keep option. I have a long list of filters for the first part of the ā€˜orā€™, and the second part is just --keep="motor_vehicle=permissive"

But itā€™s not as straightforward as I thought. Thanks for the suggestion though

Iā€™m not sure what issue youā€™re trying to solve.

for example, If you only want to keep roads where cars are allowed,
you can do that using the --keep option.

  • ( highway=track and motor_vehicle=permissive )
osmfilter hungary.o5m --ignore-dependencies \
      --keep=" highway=primary =secondary =residential  or ( highway=track and motor_vehicle=permissive ) " \
      --out-o5m > wanted.o5m
osmfilter wanted.o5m --out-count=highway
     178021	residential
      32818	secondary
      24916	primary
         91	track

Recently, Iā€™ve been using pyosmium in Python3 for more complicated filtering tasks
and only using osmfilter for simpler stuff.

Sorry, Iā€™m not familiar enough with the osmfilter command to know how to complexly combine the keep and drop options.

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Try doing as a colleague above advises, I also use pyosmium in Python3, and it actually works very well at the moment. As for the issue of dropping and storing, Iā€™m not able to help you at the moment either, although itā€™s probably possible with osmfilter.