How might I be able to get a signature verifying my hours in HOT?

Hello, I’m a high school student that has been mapping for about 22 hours now. My guidance counselor approved of mapping as a source of service hours, where I can use the HOT Tasking Manager to identify the amount of hours i’ve spent mapping. However, I need a signature (can be digital) from someone who can verify my contributions. I used the email address on the HOT website but they informed me that they aren’t able to sign volunteer hours themselves, and so I was wondering if anyone here might be able to do that, and if not, what I might be able to do to get a signature.

The question is: Who is authoritative from your schools’ perspective?

A teacher contributing to OSM him-/herself, or another respected person from you/your schools environment/place could do. This might even depend on your guidance counselors way of reading the rules, so ask him/her first!
Be prepared to recommend such a local OSM contributor, that you’ll find in ‘mappers nearby’ map at