How do I search for local bike shops?

I clicked the pointer and allowed OSM to know my location and it correctly went to the right place.

But then I wrote “bike shop” in the search box and pressed “go” and it listed a load of places in other countries not near where I am. Whereas if I do the same in Google Maps it works.

In TagInfo enter a search for the shop=bicycle tag. Then follow to the overpass-turbo button top right,

navigate to the zone of interest on the map and hit Run left top to get all the bike shops, here a sample of Augsburg

If you click on a little circle, it will give all the data entered for the shop in that spot.

The regular search function on does not offer a search for “categories” but only searches directly in the name of the object. You would have to use other tools for this.

Here are a few links to various possibilities:

Yes. Our search engine, Nominatim, understands a few special phrases so
you can search for e.g. “restaurants in berlin” but you cannot search
for “bike shops in berlin” because “bike shop” is not in the list at

Searching only in the current bounding box is possible but you need to
go to Nominatim Demo for that and
check “bounded to viewbox” under “advanced options” - but even then
“bike shop” will only find those that are actually called something
like that (“Fred’s Bike Shop”) but not anything tagged shop=bicycle.

A search for e.g. shop=bicycle in a specific area is possible with
Overpass Turbo (


Thank you all for quick and detailed answers. I ended up using OsmAndMaps which seems to work fine on my iphone

adding to the confusion, it does search for a few categories, it is just not so many, e.g. you can search for post offices.