How do I map a pool deck in a backyard of a home?

When mapping, most homes that have above ground pools have a pool deck attached. Many inground do as well. How do you map the actual pool deck as an area? I can’t figure out the right tagging for the area space.

In the screenshot the deck is the dark area inside the green pen outline.

One thing you do on a pool deck is sunbathing
and many have a table, chairs and umbrella there so outdoor seating, private would show up on the map, The Private no different as the access=private on the pool

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If I were mapping this I’d probably tag the stairs as for steps and the deck areas themselves as highway=footway+area=yes+access=no. And add layer/level tags for the different portions.

The barrier=handrail can also be mapped for the relevant portions.

Bridge tagging might also be relevant depending on construction.

I’ve only really tended to do pool surrounds for resorts though.

I would not map this at all as it is private property. Mapping the buildings and driveways on private ground is ok, everything else should remain private imho.


I don’t have a better answer than the ones given above, but here’s how not to map a porch or patio:


this is a different question, here we are discussing the tagging. The same situation occurs also with public / semi-public / open to customers premises

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Thanks for the advise … I believe I am allowed to decide myself, which answer I give to the question

in the context with “homes” (not public), am I?

I would use leisure=outdoor_seating + acces=private for a private deck.

leisure=outdoor_seating isn’t any area where people can sit. It’s specifically for an area where you can sit in order for nearby restaurants or cafes to serve you. If we water down the meaning of tags, then they become meaningless.


leisure=outdoor_seating isn’t any area where people can sit. It’s specifically for an area where you can sit in order for nearby restaurants or cafes to serve you.

then the definition should be fixed because currently it doesn’t have such requirements:
“ A seating area, usually for the consumption of food and drink from neighbouring cafes and restaurants, often belonging to one or more of them, but not necessarily adjacent.”

the word “usually” indicates it could have a different purpose for

If we don’t remove “usually”, than all private patios, groups of picnic tables in a forest, grouped benches in the park, and similar can be tagged like this. So I’d be in favor of removing “usually”. There’s quite a lot of photos in the article, and all of them show tables near a restaurant or a cafe.

I’m pretty sure they put in “usually” because it might not be just restaurants and cafes, but maybe pubs, biergartens, bookstores and other similar establishments, and might not be just drinking and eating, but maybe some other service like smoking hookah, reading magazines… A better sentence might be:

The tag leisure=outdoor_seating is used to map a seating area located outside, usually for the consumption of food and drink or some other service from neighboring cafes, restaurants or similar establishments, often belonging to one or more of them, but not necessarily adjacent.


The quasi definition of a pool deck

What is a pool deck?

What is a swimming pool deck? The swimming pool deck is the area that surrounds a swimming pool basin. It’s the nearest surface to the water surface and a place where bathers often rest on loungers, walk around or prepare to dive into the pool.

So, back to leisure=sunbathing :sunglasses:

As for seating area where food and drink is consumed, that’s what we do on the terrace, at least here on the terazza.

Of course there’s the qualifier for outdoor seating

Yes leisure=outdoor_seating+outdoor_seating=terrace

This seems reasonable to me. It’s definitely too much detail for me to bother with most of the time I map backyard swimming pools, a hundred at a time in one neighborhood, but I might do it for the neighborhood’s community pool.

I don’t think a searchable, amenity-like tag is really necessary for these mundane features, any more than you’d map the surrounding area as a leisure=sports_centre sport=swimming;sunbathing access=private private=owner.