How do I get the coastline of Antarctica?

I’m trying to retrieve the coastline of Antarctica. I’m using the query:

out geom;

All I get is a circle at -60 latitude. What I really want is the actual coastline. There seems no relation or tag that would give me this. The basemap shows the actual coastline, so the data must be buried in there somewhere. Any solution?

Have you considered using the land polygons from here? They may work for your use case.

They’re based on OSM data but they come “pre-assembled” so you don’t have to deal with funny things like the 180th meridian and coastline=bogus in Antarctica.

Hmm - I guess I can use the land_polygons_complete data to find Antarctica. It seems a shame to have to load 790,900+ polygons just to get the one I want, but it’s better than nothing. I’m not sure I understand what the land_polygons_split data can be used for. I’ll mark this as Answer if no better option comes up.