How do i generate an api key for drupal address field and mapping using OSM? Am I missing something?

I’m very confused. I don’t see a place to generate an API key for OSM connection. does it no longer require an API key?

What software are you using and what plugins (if any)?

My first impression is that this is probably more a software vendor question than an OSM question unless it enables OSM editing.

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It’s for read only access to use for an address autocomplete field. I am assuming there is no need for an API since the OSM database of addresses is all publicly available? I believe I used to have to have API key to create a read-only access to OSM

OSM’s data is free, but it’s hosted by a tiny foundation and it doesn’t provide much in the way of free services. The services that are provided by the OSMF are mostly aimed at mappers.

You can download the whole planet file, process and self-host something yourself or you can use one of the companies that make OSM data available as a commercial service. If your usage is really really tiny you might even slip under the limit for something that is offered for free, but we need to know what you’re actually trying to use.

There are a variety of geocoders that use OpenStreetMap data though, so unless you are able to indicate what one you’re using the chances of someone in the community will be able to tell what the problem is is very slim.

What service are you trying to use?

You mention an API. What API?

What documentation said you need an API key? Can you link it?