How do I export all data created by some user?

I would like to see all my data points, kinda to have a track record of where I was active.

In a forum a read that overpass supports this, can you show me a tag/key to do this?

The bounding box is variable, and points, lines and polygons are of interest

Hi! First of all, there are two websites that can give you a good overview of your work:

Another website would be OsmCha, which lists all your changesets: OSMCha

There are a few options in Overpass.

This query may already help: overpass turbo

out geom;

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Just to see where you where active you could use a site like Your OSM Heat Map

nwr(user_touched:"your_user"); out geom;

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So far only Overpass API is a reliable tool to get your data. In case you need history of your changes it should be much more complicated request. See Overpass API documentation for further details

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Does this also work when the user changed his name during his osm career?

If the user has changed their nickname, use a uid that remains unchanged. :wink:


I dont like that, it seems pretty inaccurate and maybe doesnt detect changes, only creations?

I like “how did you contribute” but it also doesnt show the changes geographically

@mcliquid thanks for the overpass command! You used some kind of wrong quotes, this is the correct one

out geom;
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