How can I add points POI to local OSM instance? Thousands of them, when leaflet is not enough.

I have a lot of POI for my map.

My osm instance is deployed locally using docker.

I tried to make kml file and render my POIs using leafleft.

But if there a lot of POI the browser just can’t handle so much information.

What are the alternatives to leafleft - so only visible elements are rendered…

Is it possible to add them like some kind of layer to OSM.

Is that rendering database, or an instance of the rails port, or something else?

Leaflet can handle all sorts of data - at’s standard layer you’ll see shapefiles, raster tiles and (for the OSM data overlay) vector information, presumably similar to the way that you are trying to show POIs now.

What is best for you likely depends on what you are actually trying to do - rather than millions of clickable POIs what do you think your users will want to see instead? Aggregated POIs, some sort of background, something else?

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