Editing to clarify:
I think my original question was worded poorly, which caused most of the answers to revolve around the inherent inaccuracy of GPS enabled smart phones, imagery offset, etc. I understand these concepts already. What I’m really looking for help from the community on is, is there anyone else out there who has recorded their tracks in their car and on their bike and noticed a considerable difference in accuracy between the two modes of transportation? I get the feeling the answer is, very few people have done this sort of thing (tested the same device with different modes of transportation), but even so, I’m wondering what could explain the difference between the two tracks. Same route, same device, different mode of transportation. I’ve already gotten a few good comments and answers specifically about this, although I think ultimately I may never know. Nonetheless, thanks to everyone who contributed!
Original question:
I’ve able to create high quality GPS tracks when driving around in my car with my iPhone X mounted to my windshield and OsmAnd recording.
Yesterday, with the weather turning rather pleasant in my hemisphere, I said gee wouldn’t it be nice to ride my bike and contribute to OSM at the same time! So I mounted my phone to my bike, did a few laps around my neighborhood, got super hyped at burning calories and aligning the satellite images to the “on-the-ground truth” as they say. Got home, fired up JOSM, loaded my freshly minted GPS tracks, and… the tracks were very spread out, to the point that they are not really usable for what I wanted to do (screenshots are below).
From looking at the images, you’d think I was biking down the wrong side of the road, but I swear I was biking on the right side of the road in what would have been the biking lane if there were one. Just to make sure it wasn’t something about that particular street, a couple hours later I got in my car and did the same exact route, and the GPS tracks came back really high fidelity.
Today I reran the test on my bike and got the same result as yesterday (tracks are really spread out).
Screenshots are below (green = car tracks, pink = bike tracks). Not shown in the screenshots, but I’ve also tried recording GPS tracks while walking and holding my phone out in front of me, and gotten equally bad results.
I live in a flat area. There’s a little bit of tree cover, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem when I’m driving, so I’m not sure if that could explain the different outcomes between driving and biking.
Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you manage to resolve it? Is this just “oh haha those pesky smart phones lmao” or is there something else I’m missing? Thanks in advance.