HOT Tasking Manager RoadMap: User Input by 15 December

Hello Tasking Manager enthusiasts,

Hope you are doing well and you enjoyed the recent improvement to the Tasking Manager in the latest deployment this week.

As we mentioned to you, @Ramya Ragupathy is now the Senior Product Owner for the HOT Tasking Manager and will be leading the work on developing a roadmap. In order to move forward with the roadmap, we would like to ask for your input in this form by the end Thursday 15th of December! After the deadline we will consolidate and share the input received from everyone! Please do share the form with relevant users in your networks as well.

Look forward to getting your inputs and hope to see some of you in the last meet up for this year on Wednesday 14December 10:00 and 15:00UTC :slight_smile:

Best wishes,


Is there a non-Google way for people to contribute? Not everyone around the world can access Google services…

@SomeoneElse yes, of course. You and others can reach out directly to @ramyaragupathy( with any feedback.

We have also created the form in French.