History of proposals to fix highway=path ambiguity – and a wayforward?

I see a lot of easy or urban hikes tagged as T1 and find it to be appropriate.

This is way too optimistic for the paths we are talking about under Pathless. The width ranges from 30cm to several hundred meters and the surface may change every couple of meters. Sometimes it is even hard to say what the surface is, as there is some dirt, lots of stones, and an occasional grass lump here and there, for example. Aerial pictures don’t help at all as the path(less) is not visible on them (nor is obvious in reality).

Here, here and here are some photos that describe what I’m talking about. I can share more, if needed. I was there recently and still would not be able to describe the attributes you’d expect.

I agree with Alan that requiring these tags would totally put me off from adding these routes (which also solves the problem, I guess).