Help me about editing map in Beşiktaş,Türkiye

please look at this note: Note: 4624301 | OpenStreetMap. satellite photos override buildings on foot path. i cant determine how to locate them correctly. should i mave them a few meters apart?

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I’d suggest visiting the location yourself and see what exactly is the situation. If you can’t do that, leave the note open so that someone local can see and edit it.

i passing at that place every day weekdays. you know nobody can draw buildings looking at on the ground. i know the building and the sidewalk dont override each other. but satellite image…

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We dont expect centimeters precision and there are sometimes distorsion on images with the angle of the view. But you can interpret with your local knowledge and move sligthly the path or building so that everything looks ok.

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is it okay to a building be a few meters apart from satellite image?

Aerial photographs often have perspective distortions (oblique images). The roofs are then not exactly above the foundations of the building, but appear to be offset and cover other things on the ground next to the building. The higher the building, the more pronounced the effect.

The high art of mapping is to find out where the outline of a building is on the ground (not the outline of the roof) and thus to map the exact position of the building.

As most editors offer different aerial images as backgrounds, you should always change the aerial image backgrounds when mapping in order to achieve the best possible mapping.



You can see a different perspective and realise that the outline of the roof is suddenly somewhere completely different. But you can now also see the footpath, which you couldn’t see before. And you can see that the building is right next to the note next to the footpath.


but differences between bing and esri is so much. the road doesn’t matches in someone if other does.