Help Inspire OSM Users Everywhere to Support OSM Financially

Today, on OpenStreetMap’s 19th birthday, members of the CWG and the OSMF Board launched a “broad base” fundraising campaign to raise money to support site stability and infrastructure of OSM and the OSMF strategic goals. Our goal for 2023 is to raise 100,000 euro from small donations of a few euro to a few hundred euro. This goal is part of the overall fundraising goal of 700,000 euro.

We are asking for your help in four ways:

  1. Spread the word that OpenStreetMap benefits greatly from a large number of small donations. This gives it a strong foundation of independent financial stability. If we only receive funding from corporations, we are less independent than if the community can be self-sustaining. To help get the message out, please let your social media network: Discord groups, Telegram groups, WhatsApp groups, Element groups, Mastodon, Reddit, and etc. know that there is a worldwide effort going on to support OSM. Please post in your native languages and in forums that are small and large. Even just a few euro (or equivalent) are a very meaningful gift to the campaign.
    –Your message should include a link to the new giving page at
    This guide will give you many additional templates and ideas about what to say:

  2. Engage with the social media posts that you find on the main OSM channels. By liking, commenting, and re-posting you help spread the messages to a bigger audience. Share photos of your editing, your mapping parties, and your map edits as comments or reposts. Your stories are inspiring and help convey the joyful community that is at the heart of OpenStreetMap.

  3. Reach out to any OSM-using companies or organizations with whom you have relationships and let them know that OSM will benefit from any size donation, including those that are listed on the corporate membership pages. Many small OSM-using businesses do not know that there is a 750 euro tier that is very accessible to a small company. Use this link to help OSM using companies or organizations learn more: Join as a corporate member - OpenStreetMap Foundation

  4. Make a gift of any size, to support OpenStreetMap and tick the box that allows your name to be public. You can be proud of being someone who made a donation to this mapping community that we all build and maintain together.

Happy Birthday OSM!


Given that the OSMF is a UK Limited Company have the Board sought the advice of a qualified accountant on how to make this tax efficient?

If not, I strongly advise doing so.

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