Grouping restaurants within a food court

Food courts often contain numerous shops/restaurants within. Is there a common way of associating said shops/restaurants with the food court?

My guess would be to ensure the Area of the Food Court encompases the Shops, so they are spatially related. Would this be correct? Are there any additional tags or links to use?

([An example] (Node: ‪Kommune‬ (‪8516259939‬) | OpenStreetMap))

What do you mean by “associated”? Is using the food court only allowed if you eat food bought at the associated restaurants? Then you could tag access=customers and customers=shop1,shop2,…

The spatial relation can be derived from the location / distance regardless if it contains the shop or not. I would not contain the shop inside the food court, because a shop is no food court.

+1, this is what I would do. There is a tag for the food court: amenity=food_court | Tags | OpenStreetMap Taginfo

while most are mapped on nodes, you would need an area to unambigously group the restaurants.

+1, this is what I would do. There is a tag for the food court:
while most are mapped on nodes, you would need an area to unambigously group the restaurants.