Government office park: any tags that actually get rendered?

I tried various tags for this government office park, but nothing makes it show up on the map.

Yes I know we shouldn’t “tag for the renderer”, so I’m just curious.

If that is the correct tag, use a different map.

If you’re not sure about the tag, you can search taginfo. Perhaps office=research might fit? Even OSM Carto supports that.

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Not a hard rule, but when mapping similar school / hotel / factory complexes, I prefer to put tags on the main building, if one can be identified, rather than the whole plot. This guarantees that the tags will be rendered (since building is practically the feature tag). As a bonus, it will help routers to guide potential visitors close to the main building rather than to a semi-random point near the complex, which may be hundreds of meters away from the entrance.

That being said, before your recent edits there already was an office=government point placed within the main building outline. You may wish to merge the tags to one feature (point, building or plot), whichever you prefer.

I think this is a good approach. It is very difficult to render complex landuses (ones with buildings etc. on them) well. Placing name labels (especially ones that reflect the size of the area) is difficult/impossible to do automatically. If the name label can’t be shown, rendering the landuse becomes largely pointless.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Humanitarian map not loading at least for UK/London area

Dan (that’s my name), look no farther than
Key:landuse - OpenStreetMap Wiki
You will observe they have put all the renderings into a nice tidy column for you to compare.

I see. So you are saying I might take a tip from


I.e., research institutes temporarily use “commercial area” tags while waiting for the “institutional area” tags to get a rendering assigned.

Correct. Think
Strictly Commercial - Wikipedia

But my area isn’t a research institute, it’s a government forestry bureau district headquarters office park.

Well if research institute parks all use “commercial”, then your forestry…
can use (drum roll)
See ya. Bye.

Gee thanks. How can I ever repay you.

It’s not research though?
Tracestrack renders =institutional , =civic_admin , and =governmental Tracestrack - Information (can’t find this page after their redesign)