Generating web pages from openstreetmap data?

Hi there. Can you please advise me some easy way to generate site as: Ideally, some CMS or script on condition that all data would be with me on the server. Or a tool to generate HTML from a database, which would be applicable to this case: as website. Thank you for your help, I am grateful for every answer. Tomas

There are already many sites that display any kind of data with the help of OSM data.

Have a look at and the OSM wiki at all, and get familiar that the core of OpenStreetMap is just a database.

If you discover a website that comes near your aims, ask the owner or here at the forum how to build things like that.

If you want to have a website out of the box, maybe ask one of the skilled at

Stephan thanks for answer. OK, guys how you build things like that : ?

Why don’t you ask the guys from ??

You really think they will give me an answer? I’m sure not, so I ask here.