If you invoke https://forum.openstreetmap.org you get just an Apache landing page. Can we enable forum access through secure HTTP please?
I wanted to ask this the same time you asked
Would be nice if someone “responsible” for such things could enable it or at least tell us why it isn’t yet possible. I think we were patient enogh since the request.
I’ve discussed this with the current hosting sponsor and the OSM admins. The forum will probably move to a server provided by the OSM Foundation (and use the SSL certificate that is used for the other websites). But please be patient, this will take a while.
Can you use a self signed SSL certificate in the mean time to protect login passwords?
Thanks for feedback. Unfortunatly FF seems be to intelligent and now always redirects me to the broken https redirect #willbepatient
(Sorry for answering in german) Du meinst wenn du die Adresse in die Adressleiste eingibst? Falls ja: Drück die Pfeil-Ab-Taste bis der Eintrag mit “https://” markiert ist und [Entf] um diesen aus der History zu entfernen und denk ggf. an Addons wie HTTPS Everywhere, für die du evtl. in deren Einstellungen das rausnehmen müsstest oder das gespeicherte Zertifikat löschen. Letzteres findet sich unter Einstellungen->Erweitert->Zertifikate->“Zertifikate anzeigen”. Falls es danach noch nicht geht musst du wohl geduldig sein
Is there something we can do to help with this?
The current situation is very sub-optimal in protecting the users of the forum and the forums I think are now one of the last major OSM services that don’t have at least some form of password protection.
@rayquaza Thanks for the tips, but I already managed it on my own.
@admins Would be nice to have a approx. date, as we see in the news, it’s getting time to act
A half year passed, are here any news?
I just got email with good news. A server will be available before the end of the week. It will take some time to move the forum over ofcourse, but at least I can start this process this weekend.
Thanks. ¿Where will you make the anounce when it’s ready?
Without to blame anybody, but when will HTTPS be finally available?
Thank you for pushing me on this, I agree it needs to be done. You can -if you want- blame me, but I have a little baby and simply don’t get around to wrap this up. (Half) an hour here and there isn’t enough to get up to speed.
The old forum is now in GitHub and I’ve checked-out the latest forum locally.
What needs to be done next is to adapt the forum to the requirements (e.g. authentication against OSM API), check in the changes and test them on the new server.
I hope to make some progress in the last week of June when I have holidays.
Question for Git guru’s:
The OSM forum is a branch of the fluxbb-1.4.8 branch and it’s own changes. The latest stable forum version is fluxbb-1.5.6 which is 200+ commits away from the current OSM forum. What is the best way to I proceed including (some) of the OSM forum changes into the latest release? Should I just activate the latest release and add the changes manually or is using some sort of merge the best way to go?
You see, I don’t have much experience with Git yet.
No guru, but sharing my thought to try to push this
Imho this is a matter of taste.
If you are used to SVN (ant the like), you’re probably also used to a linear history. If you prefer this you should rebase your branch. This basically reverts all your commits, switches to the latest official release and reapplies your changes commit by commit. On each conflict the rebase halts, you can fix that conflict and continue to rebase until all your work is applied to the latest release. In the end, you have one long linear history where everything you’ve done is applied on top of the latest release. For huge changes for a long period of time on your side this might however produce some headache, as the conflicts might be complicated.
You could also use cherry-pick, which is kind of the “manual” way of doing it. Checkout the latest release and afterwards cherry-pick one commit after the other. This is useful if you don’t need all your old patches but just a few of them and produces a linear history, too. However, probably that’s not what you want.
If you are open to the new use a “normal” merge. This will produce a new commit that has two parents. One parent is the latest release, one contains your local changes. Of course this might also produce conflicts, but in the end you have a commit “graph” which better reflects the way you worked. You had two branches in the beginning and your goal is to get to a common state again, thus a merge.
I hope this lengthy but not so detailed text helps
Is there a staging server where you can test any version such as the mentioned merge without affecting the production environment?
I created a fork of your repo, merged the latest fluxbb-1.5.7 into the master branch and then created a new branch * OpenStreetMap_forum.1.5.7* based on that updated master.
Then I started to git cherry-pick your changes (except for the language packs). There were some conflicts along the way I had to resolve. Also, I did a small test run on my local machine with authentication against osm.org, which worked ok right from the start.
As the number of changes is not that large, I think it is still feasible to apply all of your changes manually.
For your reference, here’s a link to my test branch: https://github.com/mmd-osm/openstreetmap-forum/tree/OpenStreetMap_forum.1.5.7
@mmd Nice. Thank you for your work.
I hope Lambertus will find the time to migrate the forum.
mmd, this is awesome! Thanks for your initiative, it is very welcome.
tbsprs, mmd has made my life a bit easier, luckily my baby is sleeping better now so I have ~2 hours to spare in the evenings again. The forum is back on the top of my to-do list again.