Fix Building and Water Intersections & Fix Building & Highway Intersections

Bom dia, OSM Portugal,

ENG: Wishing you a fantastic beginning to the year 2024, filled with all the best and success! I’d like to inform you that we have refilled the tasks for Fix Building and Water Intersections at, totaling only 41 tasks. Your kind review would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, there are still tasks available for Portugal - Fix Building & Highway Intersections at for your consideration.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day ahead!

Salim, TomTom

PRT (POR)Desejo-lhe novamente um ótimo início de 2024, esperando-lhe todo o sucesso e sorte! Hoje, gostaria de informar que reabastecemos as tarefas para * Portugal - Fix Building and Water Intersections , totalizando apenas 41 tarefas. Agradecemos a sua amável revisão. Além disso, ainda existem tarefas disponíveis para * Portugal - Fix Building & Highway intersections para a sua consideração.

Obrigado e tenha um dia maravilhoso!

Salim, TomTom

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