Fitness center tagging for chronic disease study

Hi everyone! I’m working on a project examining geographic variables and chronic disease prevalence (using CDC data in 500 US cities). I’m trying to find fitness center locations and I’m not getting many results. I’m an OSM newbie, so I’m still getting used to the tagging system. I got the most results with the leisure=sports_centre tag, but when I compare an area to Google I’m still missing a lot. Is my search the problem, or are there just a lot of gyms that aren’t identified? Does anyone have suggestions on what else I should query?

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I think this question you should try to answer yourself, check some of the locations where you found a gym in another service and not in OSM and see if it is missing or tagged with tags you didn’t look at. Doing this for some points you will discover whether OSM is very incomplete or you had been searching for the wrong (or incomplete) tags.


In addition you can search for popular gym brands on and in the search hits you can see how they are tagged.

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