Once the the proposed moderators comment here they are OK with the role, and as per the current Moderation Selection Criteria, 5 days of community discussion will take place here (always including weekend days) and then a voting poll to validate the list by the community will be open for another 5 days too.
Since 3 mods have already commented, while we wait for @ssundell to reply and as per the current Moderation Selection Criteria, now the community has 5 days (that must include weekend days) to discuss about this proposal.
After that a voting poll will be opened for another 5 days to validate the list.
Five days have passed for the community discussion so now a voting poll is opened for another five days (plus weekend days) to validate the final list.
The list will be validated if it gets at least 80% of yes votes. Note that votes (who voted what) are public to help identify any abuses.
The #communities:fi category is now created and the approved moderators have been added to the group.
Please make sure you request an update to the OSM Community Index to include this new channel for your community and remove any former/inactive one.
Also, please make sure you edit the “About community category” topic to include a link to OSM Etiquette in your language, you can provide a translation if needed on the wiki.