Filter state boundaries (admin_level 4) by area?

Turning on boundaries with admin_level 4 in a map style will turn on not only US states, but boundary lines within countries all over the world. Is there any way to filter this in a style to only use US state boundaries and not include the country subdivisions in Europe and elsewhere in the world in the layer?

It would help to get good answers if you post the section of the vector map style json that is doing this so others know in what context this is. Also list the tool you use to create pmtiles.

Sorry, novice here… I built pmtiles from global openstreets data set, default settings, all data included. I am trying to do this filtering in my vector map style json. When creating layer from OSM boundaries, filtering on admin_level=4, do I have access to any other properties like area/country name to further filter and show only US state boundaries and not state level boundaries elsewhere in the world??

As a note, this query above includes two canadian provinces in addition to the US states and territories. Asked for a solution in this thread:

Use this query:
[out:xml] [timeout:500];
area[name=“United States”]->.a;
relation[boundary=administrative] [admin_level=4] (area.a);
out body;

out skel qt;

Sorry, overpass short links do not work at the moment.