Father Mathew Hall correct naming

On Father Mathew Street, Cork City, Ireland, there is a location officially called “Father Mathew Hall”. However, on the street, the visible name of the building as written in the old Cló Gaelach (picture included) is “Halla an ta t Maitiu” which is an abbreviated and simplified form of the grammatically correct “Halla an t-Athair Maitiú”. This is a direct translation from English (or perhaps it’s from Irish first to English; I couldn’t tell you).

OSM has a policy of on-the-ground mapping and not using abbreviations, so the question is: What name should be used?
“Halla an ta t Maitiu”
“Halla an t-Athair Maitiú”
“Father Mathew Hall”

Additionally, if one of the Irish names was put in the “name” tag, and “Father Mathew Hall” was included under the tag “name:en”, this would ignore the “name” tag when displaying and show what is under “name:en”. Should this be ignored as a problem for the renderer or is there a method to prioritise the “name” tag over “name:en”

I think the abbreviation is specific to that inscription, and someone writing about it in Irish would use the full name. So I’d tag with the full name in Irish, just as we usually spell out words like “Street” even if they are abbreviated on signs.

I’d probably use the English name in the name tag. Cork City is not a Gaeltacht, and I believe most locals would refer to it as Father Mathew Hall. So I think this is similar to, say, Kent Station which has the English name in the main tag. Rather than many GAA clubs like “Na Piarsaigh” where the Irish name is used in both languages and thus in the name tag.

I didn’t fully understand your final paragraph. Some renderers will choose to show the “local” name in the name tag, others to show a language-specific name where available. If all 3 fields are populated in this case, there is no ambiguity for renderers so I’m not sure there is any problem.

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That answers all my questions, thanks.

Since I’ll use the English name in the “name” tag, my second question is moot anyway

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