Extracting points from a site using OSM basemap


As a new OSM user, I was wondering if I there is a way of extracting points informations I could use in QQis from this website: AGAM

I saw it was using open street map contributors so that why I al asking here.

I would like to map in my own way the different layers of industries that are present around the Port of Marseille.

Thank you for your time and if I am not clear enough with my vocabulary I can try to be more clear !


The website you link to is mostly arcgisonline. I suspect they just use OSM data for their basemap, so the ODBl applies only to that.

So to use the data displayed there, you’ll need to ask “INSEE 2019, GPMM, Agam” for licensing information, as there is no more information on that website.

If license is not an issue (private project I suppose, I’m no lawyer), you can just scrape the data. Check your Network console when you select a new category to display, you should see the call to the server, and be able to get the data as geojson…
