Trying to upload osm fiile into osm server via http request API. While trying to upload, am using http url, but while uploading am getting error saying 'Document not well-formed. Line 1, column 1 (fatal) Start tag expected, ‘<’ not found ’
Taking a step back, what are you actually trying to do?
Programatically uploading to the OSM API directly is an unusual requirement, and it’d be good to get more information, in case anything else about what you’re uploading needs to be changed other than just the technical data format.
Please use the development server (sandbox) for testing OSM editing:
All changesets (fictional data) reverted:
Yes, my requirement is to convert cad file into osm file and upload generated osm file into osm server via http request endpoint via server. In JOSM, osm file looks good, but when trying to upload it ends up with response saying ‘Document not well formed’. Please let me know suggestions.
What are you actually trying to do? What is source of that .cad file? What is license of that data?
Have you read Import/Guidelines - OpenStreetMap Wiki ? It looks like you are trying to do an import.
It doesn’t appear to be an unmodified JOSM version. What is “entrix”? A JOSM plugin?
The number of the changeset “234325t2” looks very strange.
This is the url which am trying to uplaod osm file - ‘’ from the server. But http response is ''Document not well-formed Line 1, column 1 (fatal) Start tag expected, ‘<’ not found"
What data do you want to import? At this point I would like to point out the import guidelines:
The software you are using may have a bug.
I just need to upload osm file into osm server and render it on my mobile screen (one of my feature in project as that needs to be private map which we are going to use incase of indoor tracking).
It sounds like you want rather uMap or something similar, and display data over OSM map without adding it to OSM database
If you want to upload data to OpenStreetMap database then you MUST consult such import with community before editing.
Rather than playing “20 questions”, why not spend a bit more time describing what you’ve been asked to do? That way, people will be able to help you with that, rather than just guessing about what your goal is.
Hi, am looking to develop OSM indoor positioning mobile application.
Project requirement is to upload floor plan and then design a layer to place gateway locators in the floor plan to track positioning.
At first, to upload floor plan am trying to convert CAD file into OSM file using node server and upload into OSM via http end point ‘‘changesetId’/upload’.
Challenges which am facing
In node server, am converting cad file into osm file, but when I try to upload I end up with a response ‘Document not well formed’.
Please help me with your suggestions.
For context see also Error: Document not well formed while trying to upload osm file into osm server via
Edit: This comment adds no value now, since the new post was (sensibly) merged into the previous thread.
Read and follow Import/Guidelines - OpenStreetMap Wiki
But that requires decent communication skills.
I need to develop indoor position tracking in an android application. To achieve this, breaking down in 2 stages.
Stage-1 : Floor Plan - CAD file will be converted into an OSM file and uploaded. (we will be adding locators to the same floor plan to track positioning of objects)
Stage-2: Based on triangulation algorithm for location - we will be tracking position of objects.
In the stage-1, am converting CAD file into osm file and trying to upload. To upload can I go with middleware server (nodejs/apache) or should I do via JOSM ?
Apart from that, is there any sandbox environment to continue with development process ?
Please help me with your suggestions.
As you have seen, not into OpenStreetMap it won’t - you have struggled both with the technicalities and procedures of doing so. If you do manage to upload something to OSM without following the import guidelines it’ll just get reverted.
You don’t need “OSM” for this. You just need “a server, which is capable of responding with beacon locations”
In the start, instead of trying in sandbox environment I had given live url - and I had tried wrong cad file with geo tagging as received from client. Please ignore changeset history.
In case of Stage-1, our company wanted to have a mechanism where we need to support multiple warehouses. So when warehouse shares floor plan in CAD file format - we wanted to perform conversion of CAD file into OSM file and upload into OSM account. Later we would be adding locators to the same as we are going to find distance of an object from a person using triangulation algorithm.
Basically in android application I need to implement indoor position tracking . Please help out the suggestions with respect to implementation.
Why do you believe that you need to use OSM for this?
When researching, we found out that - OpenStreetMap provides free geographic data. IndoorOSM extends OSM to include indoor mapping.
Basically wanted to develop something like this mappedin or situm which provides custom map wise indoor mapping.
Please help me with your suggestions