The OSMF Engineering Working Group is gearing up for microgrants for software development projects benefitting OpenStreetMap in 2025. We have been at work developing the process, including selection criteria, application templates, and a process for bringing together the team that will evaluate microgrants applications and recommend projects for funding. This is the Microgrants Jury.
We welcome members of the OSM community to step up and volunteer for the jury. The jury will evaluate applications, provide constructive feedback, participate in review meetings, and make recommendations for which proposals to select for microgrants. Details on the jury process, as well as the application and scoring templates for proposals, are listed below.
If you would like to take part, please email the EWG at with some details about your relevant experience (CV or simple description) and a few words stating why you are interested.
Our intention with the selection process is to create a transparent, fair, and efficient process for selecting jurors who will contribute diverse perspectives and expertise to evaluating microgrant applications.
We welcome applications for the jury until December 20 for the next two weeks until December 6. We hope you will consider taking part.
Mikel & Salim for the EWG.