I’m not sure about the legislation in other countries, but in Germany, if a cycleway goes alongside a priority road and can be seen as part of the “whole street”, the both the carriageway and the cycleway have right of way.
Usually, around me, people tag the carriageway with priority_road=designated and not every single highway=give_way, because it would be redundant. If the cycleway is not mapped separately, then the priority road automatically applies to it as well. When mapping them separately, though, do people add priority_road=designated to the cycleway as well, or do you map every single yield/give_way sign, signalling that it applies to the cycleway? I’m curious, because I heven’t seen priority_road=designated on a cycleway yet.
I don’t understand this. You claim highway=give_way shouldn’t be mapped because it would be “redundant” (although it is the common way to deal with the situation), and that the priority road “automatically” extends to the cycleway, but then you add the priority_road tag to the cycleway as well — isn’t this redundant as well?
I would suggest to add the highway=give_way to all places where the driver has to give way, and the problem would be solved.
I’m not claiming it shouldn’t be mapped, I’m saying people around me don’t tag them when the priority road is tagged as such. So the question is: would it make sense to also tag the cycleway with priority_road=designated, or should I only add all the missing yield signs.