Editing osm in android

Hello mappers,
Is there a free android app that can be used to edit osm on -the-go? OsmAnd is a freemium. It can be tremendously helpful for areas wirh outdated aerial imagery…

Vespucci is a full-scale editor for Android. There are also more restricted apps such as Everydoor for POI mapping and StreetComplete to fill in additional meta data for objects that are already mapped.


See Android - OpenStreetMap Wiki and Editors - OpenStreetMap Wiki


I use Organic Maps for most of my navigation. It also has a pretty decent lightweight editor for adding and editing POIs. You can also leave comments in OSM for coming back later, I strongly recommend it. Here is the link: https://organicmaps.app/

For any serious editing on Android, I use OsmAnd~: OsmAnd~ | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository