Looks, like there is edit war going on borders (external and inner-administrative) of Nagorno Karabakh republic.
With herov user keeping deleting borders (seems to be his only activity in OSM), first added by User Harut, then recovered by users, loir and Dinamik (I may miss someone else, who recovered deleted objects, as it’s not that easy to understand it from History page).
Article on subject in English Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagorno-Karabakh_Republic
Being also a Wikipedian, I know how much time and nerves were and are spent on discussions on this matter.
OSMwise, it’s a defacto independent country for last 20 years, not recognized by any UN members (only other unrecognized republics, recognized it).
Currently, places, streets, and other object will have Armenian names, with Russian being widespread, and some English becoming more noticeable, as more western tourist visit republic.
Border type is set to be administrative, which I think is best solution, at this moment. As it’s de jure not independent, still borders exist for around 20 years now, and one using map of that region, should clearly see them, otherwise he may get under ceasefire, while crossing border, which isn’t shown on the map.
Thanks God, we’re not having such issues on OSM often. But on the other hand, I didn’t find a better place to write and discuss this, yet.
I’d highly appreciate thoughts, ideas and suggestions, on what can be done with this.
My suggestions:
*Leave borders as administrative
*Any possible note, on border being de facto only borders, are welcomed (before being deleted this morning, border had name of “contact line of Azerbayjani and Nagorno Karabakh forces” in Russian)
- Leave inner borders (there are few administrative regions in Republic, and they are being used by different local and international organisation, and I don’t see why we should not have them)
- Name tag, in Armenian (as that’s the language you’ll see on streets, and it’s official language, so you can get at least some official names)
- names in other language as much, as we wish