Download relation in gpx/xml format with coordinates of nodes

When viewing a relation; I notice that “Download XML” link only contains a list of ways. When I “Download XML” for a way; I see list of nodes. When I download EACH NODE I finally see coordinates.
To build a file that could be copied to a Garmin device (GPX format) or viewable on a site like gpsvisualizer; becomes quite a tedious process. I use iD editor.

Is there a method to more easily download relation and/or way data that includes coordinates of nodes in the download?

Try overpass with recusion: overpass turbo : how to query all the ways in a relation - OSM Help

Waymarked Trails could be an option, i.e.

But please be aware that a lot of routes are not very good to be used on a Garmin (or similar navigation device), because there are approaches, alternatives, gaps, …
I prefer an OSM based router software that can use as overlay and has got an option stick_to_cycleroutes like

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Thanks PHerison; I tried overpass and managed to figure out proper syntax for query in just a few minutes! Thanks!

Vinzenz_Mai: The garmin device being used does not have navigation feature. is not helpful in this case; trails I’m looking at are just paths and are not hilighted on this site.