
Zdravo dobro doshli u Crnu Goru.

What we need:
More users - actualy all other targets are not so important :slight_smile:
Tracks for small living places. If you love to travel not in a common stream please write a track.
Municipal boundaries (At now we have all Opstinas but municipalites added only for a Opstina HercegNovi)
Small living places names.
Street names and pois in all cities.
Update wiki

User statistics and road graph validation results can be founded here: (now in russian, translation is on the way)

Pozdrav iz RH.

Dobrodošli na forum i drago mi je vidjeti da vas se sad može nekako kontaktirati.
Ako imate pitanje slobodno se obratite susjedima, ima nas aktivnih.
Kreiramo dnevne extrakte za ovu regiju, garmin karte, i još neke stvari.

Evo ja već neko vrijeme crtam i dodajem puteve i objekte u CG, pa ako treba neka pomoć tu sam :slight_smile: