A question for the Italian-speaking users here. I have created some changes in Northern Italy and have now received some osmosis errors regarding similiar street names, which I would now like to fix.
As I don’t speak Italian myself, I would like to exchange with the local community what is the best-practise there.
Case number 1 is the Acute accent and Grave accent characters.
For example, one part of the street is tagged Corsetana, the other Corsetána. Which spelling would be correct here?
Would it be possible to tag the name with acent as name:it
and the one without as name
? Whereby this would probably trigger the one error with “local name and name different”.
Case number 2 would be the spelling as camelcase. As an example:
Via al Demanio or Via Al Demanio? Or also la Víla or La Víla?
In both cases there is no street sign on site.
I thought I remembered that there was even a wiki page on this, but unfortunately I can no longer find it via the search. Many thanks for your support!