Difference between "Professional" and "General" for SotM US 2025?

Hello! I live within commuting distance for Boston, and was hoping to attend the State of the Map US conference this year. I may even be able to get my employer to pay for it, buy regardless I would hope to get the early bird price. When I go to the registration page, it says that it’s $400 for “Early Bird Professional”, and $180 for “Early Bird General Admission”, but I can’t find anywhere what exactly the difference is between those two levels. I feel like there must be a description page or brochure or something somewhere that I’m missing. Can someone point me in the right direction, so that I end up buying the right thing (without paying more than I have to)? Thanks.

Hi Peter, that is a great question. The Professional level is designed mostly for folks whose company pays for their ticket. This is a way for the company to give back to the conference (as it is expensive for our organization to produce!).
Please let us know if you have any problems or issues purchasing your ticket.
I’m also sharing our volunteer form in case you have any interest in volunteering for the event since you live so close: OpenStreetMap US

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Thank you. So just to be clear, the only difference between the levels is how much of a contribution one wants to make (or one can convince one’s employer to make) toward OSM US?

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That is correct.