Difference between graffiti and mural

Thanks, I appreciate that! I would invite everyone who has interest in the topic to give their opinion on the those 12 images - even if they don’t have a strong opinion (feel free to mention that too if you feel strongly or not!) - the more datapoints (especially from different cultures around the world), the more global picture we can build about what is meant by it globally, and what common ground there is.

It might be worth specifying what “local community” are meant there? Local graffiti artists community? Local OSM community? Local law-enforcement community :smiley: ? As they all might differ. Or is that wording vague on purpose?

e.g. As a local OSM and wikimedia mapper, I might prefer to document some of them in those databases (artistic ones as well as unartistic ones with messages that I consider worth documenting for future). Yet documenting them by definition makes them more visible to municipality, which may thus detect and remove them sooner, which may be against the wishes of authors of those graffiti.

For example, in Zagreb (Croatia), there is municipality hosted dataset of graffiti on private and public spaces. It’s use is open, but likely wishes or graffiti artists are likely at odds with wishes of municipality in many (but not all) cases (e.g. those street_art are allowed as far as I can tell).

I added that part to respond to @IanH’s request.

If you think it is more appropriate, we could change it to “local mappers”.

The knowledge and collaboration of the local community mappers can be essential to know when not to map graffiti.

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I am sure a member of the sprayer scene or a graffiti expert could add more details and probably the one or other argument why some of them do not qualify to be “real” graffiti, but I think OSM is primarily a geo database and one cannot expect every mapper to become an expert for graffiti or other artwork to be able to map such stuff.

Usually we try to accommodate both kind of mappers, the interested ones without specific domain knowledge, and the experts, i.e. a generic tag and refining tags for it.

If you don’t know what kind of streetart, you can still map that it’s artwork and “streetart” as type.


… and if you are of the opinion it is a graffiti you can map artwork + “graffiti”.

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:+1: I agree with you and I’d see the result of such a voting as much more representative than the discussion between an handful of mappers arguing back and forth. Unfortunately it seems to be difficult to encourage the active community users to engage in such a vote. Probably it would help to put this into a new topic “Graffiti - Your vote is wanted!” or anything like this?

Perhaps we can create graffiti=* which would allow interested mappers to detail the type of graffiti (scribblings, letters_only, puppet_only, letters_with_puppets).

That would allow both for normal-people usage, as well as graffiti-expert-microdetail usage, as well as interested parties to add extra detail to original taggings (so municipality can filter on graffiti=scribblings for their re-painting efforts for example)?

And some other like graffiti:technique=* for specifying stencil, can_spray, airbrush, roller, chalk… ?

BTW I’ve just found about graffiti:tag=* and linked it to the artwork_type=graffiti wiki. (if someone more knowledgable in its use wants to describe and create proper page for it, that would be great)

  1. mural
  2. graffiti
  3. graffiti
  4. neither, vandalism
  5. neither, vandalism
  6. neither (on a wall, mural)
  7. neither, vandalism
  8. graffiti
  9. graffiti
  10. neither, but nice
  11. neither, vandalism
  12. neither

I’m not interested in mapping such things, it’s not my cup of tea.

I have added a short description to the wiki:

graffiti:tag=* - to include the pseudonym (tag) of the artist who created the graffiti

Something new, not entirely because they seem to become omnipresent, a series of murals/graffiti pieces on a few hundred meters of railway concrete retaining wall, each piece with a QR code board and a short text above telling to scan to learn more about the artist.

Distant pic of a portion from before the installation of the code plagues, a dozen plus paint brushed during a festival a few years ago.


(For a separate topic)

Not much found in TagInfo on the QR front

There’s a proposal for QR code tagging but it seems to have been abandoned.
Proposal:QR code - OpenStreetMap Wiki .Needing revival(?)… gradually all the bus stops in town starting with the main lines are retrofitted with small QR code boards, removing any trace of timetables and real time displays. Scan and you’ll know when the next bus/buses are due.

There’s a proposal for QR code tagging but it seems to have been abandoned.
Proposal:QR code - OpenStreetMap Wiki .Needing revival(?)… gradually all the bus stops in town starting with the main lines are retrofitted with small QR code boards, removing any trace of timetables and real time displays. Scan and you’ll know when the next bus/buses are due.

QR codes can contain different information, e.g. a text or a link, or otherwise structured data. If it is a link, it could be tagged as website or url. If it were some “proprietary” format for a specific app, I don’t know if it made sense to just copy the data as a string in OpenStreetMap.