Deleted posts make thread unreadable

If possible, please remove the feature that a poster can delete their posts entirely. See this example of a thread that looks like a user talking to himself:

There should at least always be a “post deleted by user” dummy remaining .


That’s already the default behavior for most users, really. There are few exceptions, which depend on the user level, but in general, that’s exactly how Discourse will work. You would be able to inspect the previous version in such cases.

By the way, OP has requested to remove the post from the listing, because it is too confusing now. I have done that now. → no longer needed

Oder ermöglicht es dem Initiator eines Treads diesen wieder zu löschen, wenn er durch das Löschen von diversen EinzelbeitrĂ€gen “zerstört” wird. :angry:

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Wer besitzt denn das Recht seine BeitrÀge zu löschen?

Everyone can delete their own posts, but you would usually see a comment “(Post deleted by author)”. I would have expected this text to appear for my posts as well (like it did in the past), but somehow, the entire post was deleted without leaving any traces.

Edit: moderators can still recover those messages, if needed.

Ok, no worries, moderators can recover all those deleted messages, which I’m not permitted to do.

Now the threads reads as nothing has ever happened to it. All deleted messages are back, the post is visible again.

In the end, the “delete posts” doesn’t add much value, better don’t use it next time :wink:

Glad that this specific example was solved. But I still think this should be configured differently, if possible.

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