Hi guys,
has there been some voting for the definition change of highway=path done in dec 2022 by user @multimodaal ?
I’m disliking the new def, also now there is a mismatch between the en-version and the localized versions.
Old def:
highway=path is a generic path, either multi-use or unspecified usage, open to all non-motorized vehicles and not intended for motorized vehicles unless tagged so separately. The path may have any type of surface.
New def:
highway=path indicates a generic path that is used by pedestrians, small vehicles like bicycles, and/or animals. This includes walking and hiking trails, bike paths, horse and stock trails, mountain bike trails, as well as multi-use paths for cyclists and pedestrians or similar combinations. …
A highway=path is not for use by four-wheeled (two-track) vehicles.
I’m disliking the new def, also now there is a mismatch between the en-version and the localized versions.
I dislike that path without additional tags in the old definition excludes motor vehicles. IMHO it would have been more logical to allow everybody as long as they aren’t forbidden.
The ‘path’ value is problematic, very often used by hiking trail mappers in places where in fact they are (agricultural) tracks. Not that farmers would use a navigator to get from A to B, but if these ways lead often to some parking for tourists, a quarry, lone residences and what not, no way of routing there and OSMI fulminating. Yesterday removed a duplicate section and all vehicle things went belly up in the daily QA report. One section along the way had been incorrectly tagged and everything after becoming no-go, for vehicular transport.