Cycle OSM bug

Am I mistaken, or is the cycle OSM viewer on the main OSM site renders everything below see level as flatland?
If so, who should I contact.
Also I notice that that map haven’t updated my changes in OSM for days now.

Yes, that’s right.
I have already contacted the developer of OSM cycle map, he said he would look into it (that was like two weeks ago).

See here:

I would guess that the main OSM site just brings the tiles from OSM Cycle Map server and does not render them on its own.

You are not mistaken.
SRTM data does contain information for below-sea-level, so it should be available for the renderer.

See contact details here.

Do you have a specific example?
It might be that the tile is already clean, but your browser still has it cached.


It’s the Karmei Yosef area.
I cleared my browser’s cache. To no avail.

See information here, in particular:

Can you post a permalink, and the id of the way that isn’t visible?


When I move to the cyclemap view I see nothing or I see a version from last week.
I can’s get a road ID right now. Look at the forest boundaries for instance.

I see.
As dimka wrote above, it’s lagging behind the OSM database.
You’ll have to wait for it to be rendered.

It seems that the opencyclemap tile server isn’t in sync as well.
