Creating list of places


I’m wondering which of the products related to osm is best for creating a list of places (either already existing on the database or new pinned down) that can be:

  • kept in one list
  • made of places enriched with a name and a small description
  • shared to anyone without the need of registration or download the app, just with a simple link
  • editable by people who got the link

Also, is it possible to create other lists with the same characteristics, only with a different tag in order to keep them separate?

For now I’m looking into uMap. Couldnit work or is there any better?
Thank you,
Have a blessed day



uMap should work for that kind of use, but it’s kind of complicated to use.

Gogocarto (in french mostly) might be more appropriate, with moderation and stuff like that.

Facilmap is really easy to use, and could be enough for your need.
